Massimo Sargolini Università di Camerino


Affiliation: Università di Camerino

Massimo Sargolini is Full Professor in Town and Regional Planning at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino; director of the Master course on “Landscape of innerland”; co-director of the International research Center on Territory and Landscape (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, UNICAM); director of the interdisciplinary research platform SUSTAINSCAPES; coordinator of the Scientific Board of INU (Italian Urban Planning Institute) Community, “Innerland and Reconstruction processes”; member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN.

He’s author and coordinator of extensive scientific multi-disciplinary researches, international research project, spatial planning and project activities concerning: risk prevention and planning; city and nature, environment, landscape planning and development, nature conservation (particularly protected areas) and management. Since 2016, he is member of the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of the Extraordinary Commissioner for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Member of the joint commission of STC and Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Tourism for post-2016 earthquake reconstruction. He is the author of more than 400 publications on the topics of town and regional planning, landscape, natural hazard, safety and quality of life. In the last 5 years, He is the scientific coordinator of international research funded by EU:
– Great Relevance project Italy-USA, 2018-today, “Resilient landscapes”;
– Interreg Italy – Croatia CBC Programme 2018-today. “Made in Land”;
– ERA-NET 2017-today. Cofund Smart Urban Futures – JPI Urban Europe. “Smart Urban Green”;
– ESPON EGTC 2017-2018. Linking networks of protected areas to territorial development “LinkPas”;
– SUN LIFE 09/2014-2018 “Umbria strategy for Natura 2000 network”;
– Access2Mountain – South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme SEE/B/0007/3.1/X (2011-2014) – “Sustainable mobility and tourism in sensitive areas of the Alps and the Carpathians”.
In the last 2 years, he’s author of numerous publications on the themes of climate change, natural risk reduction, improvement of the quality of life and organization of resilient landscapes. In particular:
– Sargolini M., Stimilli F., (2019). Regeneration of Historical Urban Landascapes in The Ihinterland Of Marche Region. In: Scitaroci O., Bojanic B., Mrda A. (Eds) Cultural Urban Heritage. The Urban Book Series. Springer;
– Sargolini M., Prezioso M., Omizzolo A., et al., (2018), Linkpas – linking networks of protected areas to territorial development, Targeted Analysis Scientific Report; Espon Egtc Luxembourg (e-version);
– Sargolini M., Cocci Grifoni R., D’onofrio R., (2018). Quality Of Life in Urban Landscape. In Search Of A Decision Support System. Springer;
– Sargolini M. (2017). Paesaggi Da Rigenerare. In: Esposito F., Russo M., Sargolini M.. Virgili V., Building Back Better: Idee E Percorsi Per La Costruzione Di Comunità Resilienti. P.: 120-127, Roma: Carocci Editore;
– Sargolini M. (2017). Eventi sismici: non ci facciamo più cogliere di sorpresa. Agriregionieuropa, 1828-5880;
– Sargolini M., Stimilli F., Šćitaroci M. O., Radeljak P. (2017). Modeli Unaprjeđenja Kulturnog Krajolika Zaobalja. In: Modeli Revitalizacije I Unaprjeđenja Kulturnoga Naslijeđa. P. 41, University of Zagreb.
– Sargolini M., Pierantoni I. (2017). I Paesaggi dell’abbandono: nuovi spazi urbani e territoriali per nuove comunità. Urbanistica;
– Sargolini M. (2017). La rigenerazione di nuclei e borghi storici dell’italia centrale danneggiati dal sisma del 2016. Ri-Vista. Ricerche Per La Progettazione Del Paesaggio;
– Sargolini M. (2017). Reti Ambientali Per Città Resilienti: Il Caso Studio Della Regione Marche. Urbanistica;
– Sargolini M. (2017). Ricostruzione Post Terremoto E Post Catastrofe. Urbanistica Informazioni;
– Sargolini M., Moccia F.D., (2017). Una strategia per la ricostruzione delle aree interne danneggiate dal sisma. Urbanistica informazioni
– Sargolini M., Pierantoni I., (2017), Agricultural land and the new urban paradigm: coexistence, integration, or conflict? Librelloph Challenges, In Sustainability: Sustainability/Article/View/277.

About REDI

REDI is a research consortium that includes INGV, INFN, GSSI and UNICAM. Its mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research-actions, through innovation and training, to boost community disaster preparedness, response and recovery speed.