
Interdisciplinary training courses to approach vulnerability and risk issues

2022/2023 school year

There is plenty of scientific evidence, by now, in support of what actually is there for all to see: natural hazards and related disasters are occurring with increasing frequency and, especially, intensity.

Floods, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, droughts, fires and other extreme phenomena cause enormous damage to the environment, our economy and communities, with the hardest toll being the loss of human lives.

The aim of the project is to allow the young participants to acquire greater awareness of these issues, and to provide them with useful tools and knowledge to elaborate on this and to develop their skills in a transversal and playful way.

The program of activities is organized in a three-year cycle and has the potential to be integrated by high school students into their final work of the overall study cycle, in view of the oral discussion within the final examination.

Target: high school students aged 16 to 18 (from the 3 rd to the 5 th class)

Schools involved:

  • Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “CostanzaVarano” – licei di Camerino (MC)
  • Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore“Alberico Gentili” – licei di San Ginesio e Sarnano (MC)
  • Liceo Scientifico Statale“Leonardo Da Vinci”, Jesi (AN)
  • Liceo Scientifico Statale “EnricoMedi”, Senigallia (AN)
  • Liceo Scientifico Statale"Antonio Orsini", Ascoli Piceno (AP)
  • Liceo Scientifico Statale “Albert Einstein”, Teramo (TE)

About REDI

REDI is a research consortium that includes INGV, INFN, GSSI and UNICAM. Its mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research-actions, through innovation and training, to boost community disaster preparedness, response and recovery speed.