Project of Particular Relevance Italy-USA “RE-LAND” – Workshop #3

On Wednesday 30 December 2020, the research team of the joint project Italy-USA “RE-LAND, REsilient LANDscapes” concluded the activities of the second year with an online workshop. Please find below the Agenda of the meeting.


Project Italy-USA ‘RE-LAND’ – Workshop #3 _ Agenda


With the special collaboration and involvement of the Italian partner INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology), the project has opened up a new website (see at this link) to show the project activities and to publish the project results for sharing and dissemination purposes.

January 6, 2021

About REDI

REDI is a research consortium that includes INGV, INFN, GSSI and UNICAM. Its mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research-actions, through innovation and training, to boost community disaster preparedness, response and recovery speed.