
Doctoral programme

Based on the available resources, the Scientific Committee, in co-operation with the Steering Committee, launches a call for applications for doctoral fellowships, in compliance with the corresponding Italian legislation. The call will indicate the two Framework Programmes (FP) that are planned to be run at REDI for the subsequent 3-year planning cycle, and the subtopics of each FP, always respecting the ‘triple I’ (international, inter-sectorial, interdisciplinary) concept.

Candidates apply indicating the FP and the subtopic(s) they are interested in, and explaining their motivation through a letter of intent. All the candidates’ selection and evaluation procedures are implemented in full respect with the open, transparent and merit-based principles.

The fellows are enrolled at the Partner University to which the leading scientist responsible for the chosen subtopic belongs. That University manages the fellowship and all the administrative issues, either individually or within the framework of a co-tutelle. If the subtopic is under the leadership of a scientist belonging to a research institution not entitled to award doctoral degrees, a co-supervisor from one of the partner universities is designated, to proceed in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions.

The doctoral training programme includes a mandatory component of mobility among the partner institutions and a mandatory period in an institution from a country different from that where the enrolling University is based. Overall, these mobility periods should amount to at least 12 months.

The doctoral candidates decide, in consultation with their supervisor(s), the objectives of their research and training programme and are responsible, as independently as possible and as coordinated as needed, of a sector of the FP within which they have been selected. After having achieved their objectives, they discuss their thesis at REDI, in front of an ad hoc commission designated by the University where they are enrolled, in consultation with the other scientific institutions involved and with the Steering Committee of REDI.

At REDI, monthly doctoral seminars are held under the supervision of the team of leading scientists and with the participation of invited guests, allowing all doctoral candidates to discuss the advancement of their projects.

The doctoral candidates are invited to take part to training opportunities offered by the partner institutions and are encouraged to make the best possible use of European and international research infrastructures.

The REDI partner institutions offer free access to their research facilities (e.g. laboratories, libraries, etc.) to the doctoral candidates enrolled into the REDI Doctoral Programme.

The possibility will be explored for the REDI Doctoral Programme to evolve towards a co-tutelle model among the university partner institutions, in co-operation with the partner research institutes.


Beyond the doctoral programme, the visiting scholar mobility and the training courses, the outreach activities of REDI broaden and enhance the scope of the consortium, by bridging the worlds of research, policy and practice, and making the latest advancements and scientific information related to natural risks available to students, administrators, policymakers, and practitioners.

The communication and outreach strategy is central to achieve the desired goals of REDI: to reach out to non-scientists, addressing distinct target audiences (children, youth, young scientists and other stakeholders), with tailored messages for educating society to risk preparedness, and to advocate for decision makers on issues related to DRR. REDI disseminates information from policy- and practice-relevant research through this website, as well as through social and conventional dissemination media, and several public engagement initiatives.

The REDI Public Lecture Series include Scientific Lectures and Town Hall Meetings, balancing the contribution of visiting scholars and scientists with the need of widening the outreach at the township level. Town Hall Meetings are organized in close cooperation with cities and regional authorities, with the aim of disseminating the DRR culture, thus providing remedies against the spreading of incorrect behaviour and information.

The most important annual event is organized in connection with the International Day for Disaster Reduction, (every 13 October).

REDI Prize on DRR – a competition for schools. Each year, a renowned scholar will be in charge of launching a DRR theme, which will be the subject of a training course (which can be attended via web) dedicated to primary, middle and high school teachers. Teachers and pupils/students are then expected to develop together a project for engaging local communities (all ages included) on issues related to the DRR theme of the year. The Steering Committee of REDI together with the scholar in charge will select the best project, which will be awarded the REDI Prize on the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction.

About REDI

REDI is a research consortium that includes INGV, INFN, GSSI and UNICAM. Its mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research-actions, through innovation and training, to boost community disaster preparedness, response and recovery speed.