Claudio Pettinari Università di Camerino


Affiliation: Università di Camerino

Born in 1964, he graduated in Chemistry cum laude at the University of Camerino (1989), of which he is currently Rector.
Full professor (scientific-disciplinary sector CHIM / 03 – Chemistry) since 2010 at the University of Camerino, associated CNR and head of the Research Unit of Camerino of the CNR Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds (ICCOM) of Sesto Fiorentino. In Unicam he was also Technical Officer (1989-1992), University Researcher (1992-2000) and Associate Professor (2000-2010).

Winner of the national Flavio Bonati award for Organometallic chemistry in 1998 and of the Raffaello Nasini Medal awarded by the Italian Chemical Society in 2004 for Inorganic chemistry.

In the years 1999 and 2001, he was Visiting Researcher at the University of Zaragoza and in 2007 at the University of Seville as part of research projects Azione Integrada Italy-Spain.

He has visited numerous foreign universities, holding conferences and maintaining scientific collaborative relationships with numerous research groups.
He currently teaches General and Inorganic Chemistry for the Degree Course in Pharmacy, while Chemistry Education, and Inorganic and Organometallic Biochemistry for the Degree courses in Chemistry.

He is co-author of textbooks for high school students and university texts in the area of General Chemistry, he is the author of the book Scorpionates-II Chelating Borate Ligands published by Imperial College Press, promoter of numerous conferences, schools (ISOC) and intensive programs (ACAOC) and cultural and scientific dissemination events of the chemical disciplines.

He deals with organometallic and chemical chemistry of coordination compounds with applications in the field of innovative materials, in the synthesis of compounds with biological activity and in the production of new catalysts for polymerization and oxidation reactions. Author of over 250 publications in prestigious international journals, member of the Advisory Boards of the magazines Inorganica Chimica Acta, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Application, Open Inorganic Chemistry.
He is currently on the international board of the scientific committee of the Nitrogen Donor Ligands in Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis and Coordination Chemistry. Invited plenary speaker at the International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Lisbon (ICOMC 2012) and at the European Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Toulouse (EUCOMC 2011).

Since 2009, he is director of the International School of Organometallic Chemistry (ISOC) sponsored by the SCI and the EUCHEM. Member of the Committee for International Cooperation of the Marche Region, delegate for UNICAM of UNIADRION, Alliance for Materials (A4M) and of the National Institute of Materials Science and Technology.
Doctor Honoris causa of the University of Galati, member of the Lisbon Academy, Chairman of the International School of Organometallic Chemistry since 2005, permanent secretary of the Euchem Conference “Nitrogen Donor Ligands in Catalysis and Organometallic Chemistry”.

He has been coordinating numerous research projects at regional, national and international level. He currently collaborates with over 30 national and international research groups. Author of over 350 publications in international journals, 5 patents and 4 books and speaker at dozens of national and international conferences.
He was Vice-Rector from 2011 to 2017, referent of the Rector for international mobility from 2006 to 2011, head of the Degree Course in Pharmacy from 2000 to 2004, of the Degree course in scientific information on the Drug from 2005 to 2008, President of the Conference of Degree Courses in Scientific Information on Drugs from 2007 to 2009.

About REDI

REDI is a research consortium that includes INGV, INFN, GSSI and UNICAM. Its mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research-actions, through innovation and training, to boost community disaster preparedness, response and recovery speed.